Saturday, May 31, 2008

Gray Catbird

I really liked the fine detail on the feathers of this Catbird.

Note: I set a goal of blogging every day for a month and this is my 31st post. Mission Accomplished! I don't know if I could capture enough fresh images for blogging in any other month than in May. It was a great month for nature photography.


  1. The catbird's feathers look amazing!
    Also: my congrats with your mission well done! Hope to see more of your pics!

  2. Fantastic details! Gorgeous photo. I have a pair of these birds that have been coming to my feeders over the past couple of weeks. I love their sounds.

    Good work on the blog a day! It's not easy having a daily blog. I get tired and burned out sometimes, so I've been stretching out the length of time between posts.

  3. Very nice pic. Congrats on posting every day in May. My goal is to post 28 days or more a month. It is tough, between taking the pics and making the posts, but you did a great job.
