Monday, May 12, 2008

Red-bellied Woodpeckers

This series of shots was basically a burst in sequence to the action of these Red-bellies.

I won't bore you with a story, because it happened so fast, there really wasn't one. I just feel fortunate enough to see the action. Yet again, it all took place in the exact same spot as the previous posts of the blue jay, red headed, wood ducks, and flicker, etc...


  1. I've always been fascinated at watching woodpeckers land on the underside of branches. When they quit flying 3 or 4 inches from the branch while upside down and still manage to grab the branch, almost makes you hold your breath each time.

  2. Fantastic sequence! What a beautiful pair they are. I'm catching up a bit after a couple of days. Your previous posts are great, too.

  3. Oh man! Great sequence of shots! I especially like the second shot.


  4. Woodpeckers are one of my favorite birds! Thanks for sharing- they look amazing. Especially the one on the 2d picture so... fluffy! )
