Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Backyard Birds

Another first to my backyard this year is the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. I was thrilled when I first caught a glimpse of him on my platform feeder. My camera was in my car, so I waited for it to leave to go retrieve it and bring it in. When I got back, and waited a few more minutes, I got another gift of 2 male grosbeaks at that feeder. I grabbed the camera, cracked open the sliding glass door, and they were gone. After a little while longer, they were back with their ladyfriend, but I couldn't get that shot either. What I did get, was a photo of 1 of the Grosbeaks at my feeder near my kitchen window. This was taken thru the glass.

I was so thrilled with the last shot, who'd a thunk I would get a grosbeak and an oriole at the same time? My luck was on...

I have been putting out fresh orange halves daily, because they pluck it completely clean by the end of the day.

The female is a bit more timid, but I managed a few shots.

The Grosbeak couple came back to feed, and luckily I was able to sneek out the door for some crappy shots.

She landed on a tree and made a weird face...

And finally, something is interested in my suet feeder. I don't know why, but I don't have luck with suet, although Mr. Red Belly seems to like it.


  1. A Grosbeak and an Oriole at the SAME TIME!!!! That's wonderful! I would have been sooooooo excited!!! Beautiful pictures!

  2. I've never seen the Rose-breasted Gosbeak up here before but this morning I counted 11 around the suet feeder.
