Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Wordless Wednesday-Raspberry

Even though this happens to be Wordless Wednesday, it also happens to be my 100th post, which causes me to rebel and cheer! I chose to use words for my personal celebration, and save the silence for next week... The deer chose to blow a raspberry, but did not speak. He followed the rules, but it WAS kinda rude...


  1. Congratulations on your 100th post

  2. Holy crap, already? You've come a long way since you were asking me technical questions like "OK, so now how do I make the blog thing do that one thing?"

    Great shot as usual. And congratulations!

  3. 100 posts! Good for you! I found you blog surfing, the last spot being Owl Box Blog. I was leaving a belated comment on his pheasant post and saw you were from Il. too. When I read your profille...John Grisham, Harry Potter and Patricia Cromwell!! Hello, a woman after my own heart! Any way, have enjoyed your pictures and posts.

  4. Thanks Ecobirder!

    Thanks McGone, I still need to learn html but I'm stubborn...

    Thanks Beckie, I checked your site too, and we are indeed sole sisters!
