Tuesday, April 1, 2008

First Photos

Monday was rainy, windy, and just plain rude...I recieved my new lens (Canon IS 100-400mm) via UPS, and had the fever for a photo op...My options were slim...As soon as I put in my 8 hours on the clock, I prayed the rain would let up enough for a few trial shots. Maybe a reflection puddle, or a foggy horizon, or a lucky migrator...I came across a few Killdeer...One was faking a broken wing as I approached...and another posed for a bokeh...good enough for my first day's shoot...I went home, and was amazed with the speed of the focus as I tracked some pelicans flying, and the crisp view through my eyepiece, compared to my Canon IS 75-300mm. So far, I am a fan of the new lens...


  1. One was faking a broken wing as I approached

    Because of Aprils Fools Day?

    Shiny new digs!

  2. Thanks McGone! Killdeer(s) do have a sense of humor!

  3. Hey Hannibal, I'm glad you're liking the new lens! I know I've been happy with mine. :)

