Monday, October 1, 2007


I've been going to my favorite spot for weeks now, trying to capture the pelicans that have clustered at the wide waters of the Des Plaines River in Channahon. The new park is called McKinley Woods (a branch off the the current McKinley Woods located a few miles away). I'm just gonna say it: I don't like the name. This park is located on Moose Island which is quite a stretch from the original locale. This new name is going to get confused with the other location, for example: "Hey, where did you go? McKinley Woods! -Which McKinley Woods? The one on Moose Island? Yeah, that one! ...or... No, the other one!"--Just plain stupid to me. But I digress...

Back to the story

I find my favorite spot which is some slabs of rock at the shoreline that I can sit on and watch both directions. To my right is the widewaters where the pelicans gather. To my left is where the herons, egrets, kingfishers, and various ducks find solitude from the open water. I took some shots of some pelicans flying off, but that was pretty much the excitement of this morning at this location. I stayed about a half hour, got bored, and thought I should just go home. On my route back, I went by another favorite spot, and looked out to my left where I didn't expect to find my nemesis...the male woodduck. I didn't want to slam on my brakes so I kept going, got my camera ready, slowed down to a stop, took some shots of the water for proper settings, and put the car in reverse. This guy was close to the road, and as his reputation is widely known, he will flush in an instant. I have got to be smarter than your average woodduck. I am coasting in, armed and ready. I get off 2 shots before he flushes. I take those shots too. He landed just an apples throw away next to his lady, so I crept up and shot off some more. These shots are the closest I've ever been to them (20 feet), so of course... my quest continues, but...A crappy boring day turned into BLAM! A great day! Who'd a thunk it?


  1. I'm running out of ways to say "Awesome pictures, Hannibal!"

    Awesome pictures, Hannibal!

  2. Who'd a thunk your patience would prevail? Me! Best woodduck shot ever Hannibal.

  3. McGone: Thanks for the "awesome". Just popping in to say positive things is always appreciated, especially with your wit, my friend! Most don't even comment but I can always count on you-Thanks!

    Cuttidad: Thanks for taking the time to establish a screenname-perfect choice! Anonymous no more! I'm hoping to best my best soon...

  4. So, I'm scrolling down your blog page, trying to catch up since it's been a few days, and suddenly, my breath catches in my throat at the line: "...I Gots Me a Woodduck"!

    That's so cool!! I'm glad you finally caught up with your rival and got those really great shots. Congrats!
