Monday, October 1, 2007

Corn Fest Photo Contest Winning Entries!

These photos bare ribbons from the Corn Fest Photo Contest. I entered 11 photos in all, some having entered in the previous contest at Goose Lake, but still, no ribbons for them. I guess I like them more than the judges do, anyway...I was thrilled to get a few ribbons, because I really didn't know what to expect. The show was HUGE and I have not competed but in the one previous, so I didn't know what kind of competition was out there. -Pretty good competition- There were a handful of names who won multiple categories, with good reason. I didn't always agree with the votes though. There were some pretty bad views in my opinion, but thats the way it goes. My VERY BIG complaint was that they put zoo animals and wild animals together for a category. Those 2 things are very very different. Anyone can go to the zoo and photograph a tiger. Not anyone can go into the wild and photograph a tiger. Even if tigers were native to this country and roamed Illinois, just go out there and find one. Good luck with that. There ARE cougars and bobcats in Illinois, hmmm, seen any lately? The things I find in the wild are chance encounters, but I get better odds by knowing where to go and when. I don't get to see bucks every time I go out. They are not in cages, they roam free, and if I go out enough times, I can get so lucky that I see one, let alone be close enough for the shot, or that it doesn't bolt from my disturbance. And then there is the composition. In the wild, you do with what you get, in zoo's they make it look wild, and photographically pleasing...WHATEVER... There is easy, and there is difficult. I got beat out in the animals category by a lion and 2 tigers. The best of show was an Eagle portrait that the woman got while visiting a rapter exhibit at Goose Lake Prairie. My Terns would have taken 1st for wild. My Buck Sillouette would have taken 2nd. Am I wrong?---I'm done ranting...


  1. That deer picture is not 4th place material. I love it... and I'm kind of a big deal. So they are wrong.

  2. McGone-You ARE a big deal-I already knew that-Thanks buddy! I wouldn't be all disgruntled if I lost to wild things-frickin zoo people, they should be behind bars...

  3. Four ribbons in a photo show with hundreds of entries is awesone, although you deserved 11! Having been to the photo show, I was appalled at the injustice of it all. Frickin lions and tigers in the same category as the beautiful deer silhouette, it's ridiculous! In a photography contest, so many things should be taken into account, i.e. the subject, the eye of the photographer and the quality of the photo. Your photos were the best of the show Hannibal, your fans appreciate your patience, your eye behind the camera, the quality, and especially your willingness to share. You rock Hannibal!!!!

  4. Yeah, I'm still not getting why wild and zoo is one category. That's crazy.

    At least you got some ribbons and you will dominate next year. That deer picture really should have placed higher. It rocks! Congrats!

  5. Thanks Anonymous! You Rock! Thanks for your appreciation, and... the kettle corn!

    Thanks TJD!

    Thanks to you all who are always commenting, I like the feedback and the witty displays of personalities! Makes me chuckle, or wait... chortle, no, thats not it...giggle, and sometimes a giggle with a snort, thats when it is really funny. I am starting a new abbreviated text code GSOL. -nevermind, scratch that, if you are gigglesnorting, it is out loud.- I'm stupid...

  6. Congrats! That contest is a sham, like McGone has pointed out. But still , very good job!
