Monday, September 10, 2007

The Sunflower That Broke My Camera...or Did It?

So here is the infamous sunflower that broke my camera. The last frame shot before...well, you know the story...but do you? I thought I knew the story, but it seems it is worse than I ever imagined...NOTHING was ever wrong-NOTHING! How can this be- you ask? Hannibal went on and on about this, can't she give it a rest? Do I really care to know the ending to this never-ending story? She broke her camera that was on her tripod, by not fully extending the legs-big mistake, rookie mistake- I took notes. It will never happen to me. She sends it off to her warranty company, they held on to it for a month, then finally looked at it, and to her surprise, absolutely nothing was wrong. It functioned properly. She wanted it shipped back immediately, but never assumed the company was efficient. She made several calls, heard several promises, never believed them, followed up with several phone calls, got her camera back the weekend of Labor Day after throwing a tantrum. She suspected it was her batterygrip that must be broke, so when the camera came back, sure enough, attaching it and not getting the camera to function, was the culprit to all this madness. She shall buy another batterygrip! Q-Ponz wanted to take a look at the batterygrip, just so he could tinker with it. Being the IT genius that he is, I , ofcourse brought it in for his inspection. He visits me later that morning with batterygrip in hand, turns it on, and viola! Batterygrip is fixed! He cleaned the frickin contacts! I feel so stupid. How a crash caused all of this, I will never know. I do know that I have a perfectly functioning camera, with a perfectly functioning batterygrip. I also know that I spent 50 perfectly good dollars to ship my perfectly functioning camera off to perfectly capable repair people with perfectly awful customer service.

And...I swear that this is the perfect ending to this never-ending story-The End!

TOMORROW--REAL hummingbird photos!


  1. I may have sprained my mind reading this.

    I'm glad you are whole again, Hannibal.

  2. wow, that sucks. Did you not check it before you sent it away?

  3. No, I checked it, just not without the batterygrip attached-DOH!!!!!
