Tuesday, September 4, 2007

How I spent my Labor Day

Q-Ponz and I went on an adventure Labor Day morning. He recieved his new camera on Friday, and I finally had mine returned from the "shop". I wanted to give him a great outing, so I showed him alot of my favorite secret wildlife spots. We saw a few deer, egrets, herons, insects, red-headed woodpeckers, among various others. I am posting shots I got that I really like. I am thinking about entering one of them into the Corn Fest Photo Contest but I can't decide which one I like better. That's where you come in. Please leave a comment as to which one you find more appealing. Thanks in advance!

Plenty of photos to come in the next few days. I am on vacation, and have been shooting alot!


  1. These are my favorite two also. Took hard copies into work, and most prefered the forward looking shot, but I prefer the head-turned version. Thought he was a six point, but Doug noticed he was actually an eight pointer.

    Hell of a first day for me!


  2. Damn, this may come down to a coin toss. I dig 'em both. Great Shots, Hannibal!

  3. Wow Hannibal! Both are stunning, but I think the top one where you can see the nose is my fav, but again, both are so cool!

  4. I agree, both are great, and very hard to decide which is better.
