Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mixin it Up a Bit...

I've got more owlets and more strutting turkeys, but for the sake of variety I bring you: Toadshade!

Toadshade, also known as Toad Trillium and Red Trillium, is an early spring wildflower found in rich woods from western New York to Illinois, and south to Georgia and Mississippi.
It is a member of the Trillium family, all of which have leaves, petals and sepals in whorls of three.
Toadshade grows from 4-12 inches tall and blooms from March to May. The flowers are maroon to purplish brown.
Reportedly, the young leaves of the Trillium species may be eaten in salads or as a cooked green, but it is advisable not to do so because they are threatened or endangered in some states.

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