Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Lonely Duck
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Crazy Tines
I "tried" to focus out my passenger side window, handholding my ridulculously heavy 300mm f2.8 with 2x attached and failed miserably. I usually have my homemade "seatpod" for these situations, but it was in my trunk. My bad! I added a filter application to try to hide the poor quality.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Knuckle Head
Friday, November 2, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Handsome Buck
The rut is coming, the rut is coming! I'm sooo excited! My favorite time of year is here! Here's a look at the first big buck I have photo'd this season. He was awesome! He was bedded in the tall grasses and was very difficult to see. I passed him by, distracted by a few does a few yards away. A friend of mine pointed him out with my second pass through. He laid there for quite awhile before deciding to move away, but when he did, it was all worth it! He gave quite a show, standing broadside checking me out, as he finally wandered away looking for better deeper cover to hide in. What a great buck to lead off the rut!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Injured Owl? UPDATE
UPDATE: Took the owl to a rescue. Very lethargic so will call and get updates on its health tomorrow...
UPDATE: It died of neurological issues around 4:30pm yesterday. The vet worked on him all day and at 1 point thought there was a chance, but then turned for the worse. Suspect: West Nile Virus
Monday, July 2, 2012
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
A rare species for Illinois, this Yellow-crowned Night Heron showed up in my hometown a week or so ago. What luck! A friend discovered this guy and put out the word... Seeking him out, I was pleased to find him quickly and in decent light.
Various angles, interesting lighting and a catch of the day sealed the deal!
He was also pretty tolerant, letting me approach to about 50 feet. I try never to push him to stress, so I observed his movement and behavior. As long as he fished, I knew he was comfortable. If he watched me for too long, I backed off immediately so that he could continue his natural behavior. He caught a crayfish and I was rewarded for my good wildlife photography etiquette!
Friday, June 15, 2012
Screech Owlets
Vampire Owlet!
- Hello friends! Sorry its been such a long time since I've posted. I haven't been shooting lately, so I have had nothing to post. Luckily I was inspired by a friends tip that there were 5 Eastern Screech Owlets about 50 miles away. I couldn't resist!
I set off a few days ago in search of these creatures and found the area. They were on private land, so I asked for permission and was allowed access. It took awhile to find them, but once I did, I gasped at the sight of them. How lucky I was to see something so rare! They were lined up on 1 branch and I had too much lens! Damn, I didn't bring anything smaller! I made due, and here they are!
Not completely shown, but 5 grey morph screech owlets side by side.
- Here is Dad
- Mom was above dad, but too hidden for decent photos.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
American Golden Plover - Lifer!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Barred Owlet
Sometimes a not-so-productive day of wildlife/birding turns around so quickly, just as you are about to call it a day, and today was one of those days. I was leaving my spot after about an hour of boring tree time. I just stared up at the tops of trees, looking for some movement, and nothing was happening. I decided to leave the area when all of a sudden I hear an interesting sound close by. I can't describe the "squawk", but I knew it was a larger throat making that sound. I knew I could not leave until I found the source and scanned the trees & ground.
After a bit of zeroing in on the direction, I see a glimpse of a large wing. I knew immediately that it was the local Barred Owl, and it struck me that just maybe it was with it's owlet. I've never seen a wild barred owlet before so this was gonna be good! I finally spotted them both and the parent flew off. Low and behold, I finally get my barred owlet! And here it is! What a day this turned out to be! You just never know...
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Meet Fiona (my new granddaughter)
I don't normally post "people" pics, but this one is quite special! Baby Fiona was such a great lil model that I had to share this creation with everyone. This is the Birth Announcement I created today after a wonderful photo session, where she couldn't have been any cuter...This photographer couldn't be any happier to announce the arrival of such a precious baby girl to our family!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Moon Units
Monday, April 16, 2012
Leucy - Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk
Leucism is a condition characterized by reduced pigmentation in animals. Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in all types of skin pigment, not just melanin.