Tuesday, November 8, 2011

600th Post!

600 posts?  Are you kidding me?  Well I had to make it a special one so here it is! So many of you have wondered just what happened to me since I haven't posted in like...forever!  I know!  My luck had run dry.  I couldn't find anything to shoot or I couldn't manage decent photos etc.  This has gone on for months!  I've never had such a dry spell.  Anyway, here I am bringing you a post about a pretty sad little guy. Not so sure this little guy doesn't have an illness (rabies?), as his drunken stagger to my car without fear and the dazed look in it's eyes gave a few clues to it's physical and mental state. Being out in the rain during the day were all factors too. Poor guy!

 He sure is cute tho...
 ...and the leaf litter made for a nice bokeh background.
 Here he is right next to my car-Full Frame!
So cute, but the glaze in his eyes makes me sad ;(


  1. I hate that the poor lil guy is sick. That being said, these are MAGNIFICENT!!!! Quite possibly my all-time faves.....I may need a new coffee cup......hint, hint!!!!!!

  2. Awesome images! and congrats on reaching a posting milestone.

    Hope your bucks begin to show up soon; you always get such incredible whitetails.

  3. Sad photo tale. That you got up so close and personal to this poor little guy is scary. If he was rabid, you could have been in some danger. But the images were sure worth it. Real stunners.

  4. Congrats on your 600th post and what a great one it is. These are fantastic photographs of an animal that has eluded me except for at night. Awesome images.

  5. The shallow depth of field and spot-on focus here works very nicely to portray this little fellow.

  6. Great photos with wonderful background. Too sad that he's sick though.

  7. Amazing photos, they come with a sad story. Gorgeous animal.
