Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's Been A Slow Summer For Wildlife

I've been going thru a bit of a dry spell with my wildlife photography obviously. It's been sooo long since my last post. Over the past few months, I've been looking forward to the fawns and kits and babies in general to pass my time through late spring into fall. That hasn't happened. I've seen just 2 fawns with no good shots of them. I haven't seen any fox kits, nor a raccoon baby or much of anything in these recent months. But, my luck might have changed for the better, given that I ran into my old friend the Barred Owl on Friday. It's been since early spring since I've spent any time with this guy. He has disappeared for the most part, all summer long. Luckily, as I cruised his area on Friday, I happened across a migrant bird calling in the distance so I thought I might park the car and wait for a closer view. While waiting ole Mr. Barred gave a contact call deep into the timber. I gave out my own impression of a barred owl call back to him and he responded. We talked for quite a bit until he showed himself about 10 minutes later. I was very happy to see him. His ole lady showed up too, but at a distance. She wouldn't get in close, which is weird for her, but maybe she's protecting her juvies? I can only hope!

Click on photo to enlarge.


  1. Wow -this is a fabulous photo! I love the composition and soft colors in the background. Very, VERY nice!

  2. It has been awhile since I have seen your pictures between you having a slow summer and be being out of commission for a couple months. Hopefully you will be seeing more and hopefully I will be posting more.

  3. Very cool. Can't wait to capture an owl.

  4. I dunno, whay one cannot do with a long lense and a bit of idele time, hey?
