Friday, April 15, 2011


Here are a few more shots of the Barred Owl. Yes it is totally wild and not in a sanctuary or zoo. She is old and has a cataract in her left eye. I can approach because she knows me. I've spent lot's of time with her from a distance, concerned about her ability to hunt with her cataract. Her vision range is short but she can still catch prey, but misses alot. (I will not disclose location to protect her and her handicap.)


  1. Beautiful shots of the owl. It's amazing you were able to notice her eye. I don't think I would have been paying that much attention. Good catch. Good that she can still hunt.

  2. Despite her handicap I trust she will enjoy the wild for many years to come.
    Super photos. FAB.

  3. Outstanding close-up photographs of a most lovely lady! What a special experience for you being able to spend time with this beautiful creature.

  4. Absolutely fabulous shots of this beautiful Owl!! Good for you for keeping her location a secret.

  5. Wonderful! I too captured images of a Barred owl during the winter.

    Thank you for sharing yours!

  6. She's a survivor all right. Great shot.
