Monday, February 21, 2011

Great Horned Owl on Nest

It's the season for owlets, and this is my first post on this family. I hope to bring more images of them as the chicks start peeking out and until fledged.

It was really interesting to find this owl, as the signs of her were everywhere. I found loads of pellets, some dead mice, a few feathers and even an eggshell. Sounds pretty simple right? No it wasn't. I walked around the cluster of pine trees for 3 days looking for her. I didn't find her. A buddy I shared this location with was the one who located her, but not without circling the area for 2 days. Owls are masters of camouflage, so spotting her was almost impossible. (I said almost!)


  1. Wow, these are "FABULOUS" shots of the GHO. Yours are much browner in color than ours. Maybe it's a good day for me to post a couple GHO photos I've taken in the last couple years. I know a "secret" location of a GHO nest that someone was kind enough to tell me about. Maybe I'll get some good shots this year!

  2. Well watching at the picture one would understand why she was so hard to find. Beautiful shots you got... Look at its amazing eyes!

  3. Looking at these images,I can tell I am in for more excellent shots of this family.

  4. And just look at those eyes. I hope you do manage to get more photos as things develop. ATB!

  5. What a fabulous sight! Fantastic images!

  6. What a beauty she is! And you know she has watched every step you took looking for her too!

  7. Congratulation to you and your buddy on the wonderful find and terrific photo's.

    Looking forward to seeing more.


    Explore. Dream. Discover.

  8. Awesome photos! I have to settle for taking photos of owls at the zoo. I can hear them and I know they are out there, but I can never find them.

  9. Hi

    A really pretty wonderful owl I must say. I've shot a cuddly photo of a red raccoon, but I'm back in Hanover was the zoo. This is, however, was some time ago. When it was right in what year is again a question. Many greetings from Germany Anni-chan

  10. What great shots...I love that first photo!!

  11. Totally FAB! What an incredible experience and amazing sharp photos.

    Finding these nest must be like hunting a needle in a haystack!

  12. Exceptional experience and photographs!

  13. It tis the season of the owls. Mona got some good ones too and I just posted a b.v. subarticus from here in Minnesota. Usually we have the darker version like yours. :)
