Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2011 Wildlife Calendar by Peggy Hanna

I am taking orders for the "2011 Wildlife Calendar/Photos by Peggy Hanna"

Here's the technical:
12 page/month+cover. Each month features a different photo shot locally. Each page is 8.5x11" glossy stock & spiral bound. Fully opened measures 11x17".

WHAT YOU GET: 11 Point Buck, 2 different Owls, Wood Ducks, Pheasant Rooster Fight, Portrait of a Fawn, Raccoon Babies, Fox kit, Tree Frog, Chipmunk cheeking acorns, Droptine Buck, Canada Geese posturing.

Here's a preview:

Price: $15.00 local delivery
+$5 shipping for out-of-towners.

Place your orders in comments or thru email. We can work out payment options there.

Thank you for your support!


  1. I do a calendar every year too, but had never thought of selling them. Good idea! I usually give one to my Dad, and a couple more to friends that champion my photography. I don't even get one for myself: silly me. Your photos are wonderful, so I know your calendar will be gorgeous.

  2. The cover is very nice but it is a pity you did not add a preview ;-)

  3. You can count on me for 1, I have always loved your photography.

    I'll send you a email and also what I will do is post your calender in my side bar until the end of year to help with sales.

    Whitetail Woods Blog / Deer Hunting and Blackpowder Shooting at it’s best.

  4. Peggy, I would like to get a calendar for my daughter. When would they be ready? We are moving after the first of the year.
    Laura Vercelli

  5. Good luck with the calendar, you picked some great photos to include in it. I am particularly fond of January myself.

  6. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You :-)

