Thursday, September 30, 2010


Snacktime, originally uploaded by Hannibals Animals.

I was on the ground shooting chipmunks for quite some time when this groundhog approached, not paying well enough attention to his surroundings. He snacked for some time, not more than 15 feet away. Getting a good look at those claws, I was pretty nervous he might get even closer, but he eventually spotted me and ran.


  1. Wow - those claws are impressive! Nice shot.

  2. Wow. That's the best shot of a ground hog I've ever seen. AWESOME! So glad he/she was a bit distracted that day, and you were there. =)

  3. I have to say that is the best groundhog photograph I have ever seen. I like the tight cropping and tack sharp. You should be scared of those claws, they are an aggresive creature but cornered they will fight, I don't want to fight one.

  4. Great job!

    That is the most impressive groundhog shot I have ever seen. The lord knows I've tried but have never came close to this! Echoing Brad, tight crop, tack sharp and excellent colors....perfect!

  5. Great shot of the ground hug. Sometime animals don't pay very good attention. Our son was walking along the road one day and an armadillo came bumbling out of the brush and walked right up to him and started sniffing his feet. He bent down and touched it and I guess then realized "uhh oh" and it took of. Love your blog

  6. I'll repeat what Coy and Brad said. It is an outstanding photograph.

  7. Outstanding photo Hannibal. Before today I haven't visited your site in a few weeks. I can't believe the share number of amazing photos I've missed out seeing before now.
