Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mama Mink and a Baby

I captured some photos of my first mink on film, which has been an ongoing chase for many years. I would only see one when I didn't have a camera or as they bolted across my path only to disappear as fast as I saw it. This time, with a trusty friends help with a location of a den, I grabbed a few shots as mama swam across a tiny stream, and as a baby sniffed out a bug that seemed quite curious. I only saw them for a few seconds each, but I'll take what I can get!

Mama Mink and a BabyIMG_4964IMG_4960


  1. How exciting =) What lovely creatures. It's particularly amazing to see animals that are ALWAYS moving, STILL in a photograph.

  2. Oh good for you! It's always exciting to finally achieve a good end to a chase.

  3. Good shot! A very difficult subject to be sure. ATB!

  4. Congratulations! These are some of our most elusive critters.

  5. Beautiful! Just beautiful :) While enjoying your work on Flickr, I especially liked your shot of the disinterested opossum hot-footing it away in the snow. You work some lovely magic!
