Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm Still Here!

I know, it's been awhile, 2 weeks, give or take, since I have posted. I've been really busy with the yard, and I haven't seen much lately. But I do have a few to share that has happened over the past couple of weeks:

A doe changing it's winter coat from shabby to chick!

A milkweed flowerball full of creatures!

Blue Grosbeak. Extremely rare! A lifer!

A Northern Mockingbird. Extremely elusive around these parts, so snapping a picture was a thrill!


  1. Great shots! I love that Blue Grosbeak. He's gorgeous.

  2. Wonderful post! Terrific photos of beautiful creatures.

  3. As usual beautiful pics.

  4. That's a nice return and I love the blue grossbeak! Beautiful psot and welcome back ;-)

  5. Wow.These were worth waiting for. I love that milkweed restaurant. :)
    And a Blue Grosbeak would send me into a tizzy,or something like that.Beautiful.

  6. I was beginning to wonder if you were still here, I thought maybe you were on vacation and would be coming back with a full hard drive.

    I have never seen the grosbeak in person, great capture. Don't make us wait as long for more photos.

    Oh! and when you get your lawn work done I could use some help here.

  7. That's a VERY busy milkweed flower!!

    Great pics, as always

  8. That milkweed flower should be renamed the Milkweed Saloon...a very popular place - lol! Loved that Blue Grosbeak!

  9. I love the light on the doe's face.. She looks like she is thinking about something.. probably wondering what you were up to. A blue grosbeak would be heaven if I saw one. Isn't yard work a killer? I have grown to hate it. The results are great though.

  10. Glad to see you're back and the warm colors in the doe image are colors to die for!

    I've been taking a break of sorts from blogging also particulary the commenting. There is just so much to do now that long days and warm temp are here.
