Tuesday, May 4, 2010


O.K., so I know this is not a nature shot, that's for sure, but since I was in nature, looking for a shot, I had to share. I was speechless. Well, no I wasn't, I kept mumbling "really?" How ridiculous! Really? And he was with a kid and I'm guessing babymama. Anyway, really? Good role model for that baby! I had to take a picture to show my family. They, of course said: "Really?"

Oh, and I forgot to add: He is wearing a belt! Really?

BTW: It's referred to as "Thugwear". That explains it! That makes him "Badass!" Now I know I need to tremble in his presence! I forgot to! Really? Maybe next time Badass!


  1. Where are the fashion police when you need them?
    Sunny :)

  2. A word that comes to mind is'YUK'.No one really wants to see all that.That is Yuk at the sight of this not your post.

  3. pretty sure i'm gonna have nightmares from this one!

    Sadly, we see that a lot here...there was a guy who was taking little baby steps the other day because he had to spread his legs so far out to keep the pants from falling even more off than they already were. i wanted to just get out of the car and shake him..i mean, REALLY people!?!

  4. It looks to me as if you had a pretty special moment, LOL. I have a son that is almost 14, he has been told for years that if he does not wear his pants around his waist that I will kick his butt so hard his pants will fly back up. I hope he does not test me in the future.

  5. Truly amazing. I wonder what he thinks about or does he think at all?

  6. Do you think his pants will come up when he grows up? One can always hope
