Wednesday, May 12, 2010


A lifer for me, I watched these guys for about 3 hours yesterday. They remind me of Dennis Rodman because of this markings. They also remind me of meadowlarks, because of the way they fly/flutter. The tail feathers remind me of flickers because of the scalloped ends. And of course, it reminds me of R2D2 because of his song. What a weird bird, but I love him!

A distinctive bird of open grasslands, the Bobolink is the only American bird that is black underneath and white on the back. This coloring makes the male stand out while he is performing his displays. After breeding he changes into a drab, camouflaged plumage to spend the rest of the year.-Cornell Labs

Click on any photo for a larger view.


  1. Great pictures. The ones of the bird in flight are amazing.

  2. Such a lovely bird, rarely do i see image of a bobolink in flight. Great shots ;)

  3. Great shots! They are really a unique bird, and love their markings.

  4. The Bobolink is such a unique bird.In our area they are apparently in decline.I hope that trend changes soon.

  5. Yes I do see Dennis, I just hope this bird is not as spaced out as him.

    Neat birds, you have been posting ones I never see around here. You make me want to take a road trip to photograph some different birds.
