Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher with Prey

Waiting patiently for warblers to arrive, I spotted my first Butterbutt and froze as they flocked into the trees in front of me. As I tried to focus on one as it hopped from tree to tree, I spied this Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and aimed my lens. Wouldn't you know, he grabbed a worm just as I focused and gobbled it down! Pretty good action for my FOY Gnatcatcher! I also found a Hermit Thrush, Brown Thrasher, Greater Yellowlegs, and the Butterbutt. I can't wait to see what today brings!!!!!

(Click on photo for larger view)


  1. Beautiful pictures, I could watch and listen to the birds all day.

  2. Great series! He really enjoyed that worm!

  3. Excellent pictures.At this time of year each day may bring new surprises.

  4. I loved seeing him 'choke' down that worm and in the last picture he looks like he might be saying...See I ate the whole thing!

  5. Simply fantastic. The whole set is perfectly sharp and with a very nice light... And I discovered a new species. Thanks for sharing.
