Friday, April 23, 2010

Barred Owl

Barred Owl, originally uploaded by Hannibals Animals.

Luck was what I had yesterday as I stumbled across this Barred Owl. Although I flushed him, he flew just a few feet. It was good enough for me, as the backlighting was pleasing, making this a much more colorful owl photo than I can usually muster. I attempted another view, but he had had enough and flew off deep into the woods.

Click on photo for larger view.


  1. Hannibal, this picture is amazing! You're right, you don't see many owl pictures this colourful! Both the owl and the bokeh look awesome :)

  2. Oh, this is just beautiful! I really like the composition. Just an all around great photo.

  3. Amazing color, amazing bird, amazing capture girl! Love it!

    The turtles are cute too.. Glad David won out.

  4. Wow this is just wow!!! A stunning capture and the way it looked at you!! Splendid!!! Well done!

  5. Can't say enough about your photos of owls..He is quite did good...real good! ;-)

  6. This one is perfect in every way Hannibal. I wish I could run into one of those again!
