Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

Signs of life are everywhere! Movement from the ground to the sky are inching, crawling and flying!

My first caterpillar of the year inched across a trail!

A small snake made its way across my path!

Sandhill Cranes migrating...

...made a pitstop at the prairie...My favorite place!

A Grackle taking a bath!

And some Meadowlarks displaying for a lucky lady! Look how huge their bellies get! Sorry for the lack of quality. This was taken thru my car window!


  1. wonderful photos : )
    I am so enjoying spring!

  2. You seeing all those sign in your area,means that they must be arriving soon in my area.I have never seen MEadowlarks displaying like that.Very neat.

  3. Great shots! Isn't spring great? We haven't seen any Meadowlarks yet. They're my favorite.

  4. I rarely see the Meadowlark at my place, but I do so love them when I do. Spring is a comin!

  5. The prairie shot is my favorite. I appreciate how you hid the high line structure. You have something very special. A Navajo medicine man told me once in all things there is a living spirit. It's a good thing that you do.

  6. Hi,
    Well yes spring has sprung at your place... Beautiful post from the crane to the meadowlark, life is back and you are back in nature business. How cool and thanks for sharing! I love the flying picture and the crane!!

  7. We had a flock of Sand Hill Cranes fly over "Logues Way" in the Black Hammock in FL. I love to listen to them.

  8. Trying to catch up after photographing birds in Florida last week. Good shots, I also got some Sandhill Cranes last week, one on a nest with two eggs.

    I like your car pod you made. Last year during the whitetail rut I actually set up a small tripod on the passenger seat to be able to shoot video while it was raining. It worked well but I may need to try out your set up.

    Happy shooting, Brad
