Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sky Carp

Greater White-fronted Geese, otherwise known as Specklebellies or even Sky Carp were migrating over Goose Lake Prairie yesterday. These are lifers for me and quite a surprise because I saw some geese flying in, thought nothing about it, until I heard their call. I knew they couldn't be Canadas. Pretty cool!

Click on photo to see the "specklebelly"

Northern Pintail. A favorite duck, but extremely elusive!


  1. Cool for you to get a lifer... You know what, they probably both migrate over here now ;-) cool, I'll get them soon!

  2. I have never sen the Greater White-fronted Goose.It is a unique looking bird.THe Pintails are lovely,one of my favorite ducks.

  3. Great stuff Hannibal! I've never seen the white-fronted geese, guess they don't come my way; very pretty goose. And those little pintails, so pretty.

    This is the time of the year to focus on waterfowl, the migrations have started.

  4. The speck (as they are called in the south), along with the wood duck and teal are the sought after table fare of the waterfowl hunter. We usually call the snows and blues sky carp as they are mostly gizzard. Specks are very good pot roasted or baked in the oven. The flavor is very mild and those without spots are usually the young birds. Your photos remind me of the many years in the duck blind. Thanks

  5. Great shots! We see Northern Pintails here in the spring.

  6. I've never seen the speckled-bellies!!! Thanks for show them off! What great photos of the Pintails too!
