Thursday, March 11, 2010

Signs of Spring!

Eastern Meadowlark, originally uploaded by Hannibals Animals.

A welcome sound of Spring at Goose Lake Prairie, this meadowlark was a tough bird to photo, as my approach was never welcome. I did catch some distant frames of flight and a few poses not very "postable". But exciting!

Most of these shots are not exactly great, but the excitement factor was way up seeing so many signs of Spring!


  1. Nice "spring" series! Love how you caught the Meadowlark in flight. That's not easy to do!

  2. Great set of pictures.Signs of spring are welcome,even in the form of pictures.Have a great day.

  3. Wow yes it looks like spring is coming to you, and this set of pictures is magnificent... I just do not know which one I prefer!! I think I love them all ;-)

  4. I like those pics, especially the woodpecker.
