Monday, February 1, 2010

Potpourri of Tropical Birds

Streaked Flycatcher- A pretty common bird to spot, I was sorry I only had the mindset to capture him once, as this one is on a wire.

These last 3 birds are a collection of photos taken from a bit more distance than the previous posts. I have just 1 more set of potpourri, and then I have completed my posts of tropical birds. I still have lizards and spiders coming up!

Orange-chinned Parakeet- We found this guy and his mate while going rogue. We were not supposed to be in this particular area, but the rebels we were, took the chance anyway and were rewarded with him, although it was quite distant. (We could "walk" the road, but we were in a golfcart. Small technicality I'd say...)

Yellow-throated Euphonia- Found this male on one of our guided morning birdwalks. He sang beautiful songs, hence the name...

Streaked-headed Woodcreeper- A bird found in the shadows, we saw one a few times, but always hidden from sunlight.

Click on any photo to see larger.

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to see "what you saw" !! Thanks for the birding walk. Very nice photos.
