Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Potpourri of Tropical Birds Part 2

Rufous-naped Wren

Social Flycatcher

Spotted Sandpiper

Lineated Woodpecker

This concludes the "birdy" photos from Costa Rica. I hope you found them as interesting as I did!


  1. I just loved all your birds and animals from CR... I love clicking on the photos and looking at the magnificent detail your camera captures... In the pict of the spotted Sandpiper there is something on the log to the left that looks like a bird with eyes.. Did you see that, and is it just me or is it a critter? Thanks for sharing your trip.. I enjoyed everything. Your little crab pile up is amazing considering how small they are.

  2. Wow what a pot pourri! You got to see very nice species and my favorite picture is the one of the Social Flycatcher... It is a gorgeous bird and the picture is perfect. For sure you enjoyed your stay!

  3. Wonderful photographs. Thanks for posting them.

  4. You really had a great time didn't you Hannibal. You got some incredible birds and the hermit's too!! Well done!

  5. Great shots, I think I still like the green kingfisher the best. They are suck attractive birds, I have only ever seen the belted kingfishers and they don't want me photogrphing them.

  6. Thanks Jalynn! I took another look at the sandpiper photo, saw the googly eyes! It sure looks like a creature, but upon zooming in, it's just barnacles! Very cool observation though! Thanks!
