Friday, February 19, 2010

Northern Harrier

Driving the causeway to Antelope Island at the Great Salt Lake in Utah produced this Harrier hunting the shoreline. It was a pretty cool close encounter, and our first for the day!


  1. Great photos, it looks like it was another productive trip for you.

  2. A nice encounter for a great picture... I love the second one! Have a nice week end.

  3. Good shots! He really stands out against the snowy background in the second one.

  4. Very nice photo. Beautiful tail markings.

  5. I have to admit,right now I am jealous.To get a Harrier shot like these is unbelievable.Maybe some day my turn will come.Great work!

  6. Awesome, I really like the first photo, what a gorgeous bird! Raptors in flight make for great photo ops :)

  7. Great shots of the harrier! I watched one do his sweeping/backflip display yesterday- SO cool! Nice flight shots! (speaking of - yes! I am still using the Sigma 500...however i hear that they are coming out with an image stabilized lens...)

  8. One of my favorite birds Hannibal. All the years I had them up north and never got a close up picture. I did see one here not long ago but they arent as common for me, now that I'm in the woods.

  9. I love their dish shaped face! It's great to see a shot of an adult this close.
