Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nice Rack!

Nice Rack!, originally uploaded by Hannibals Animals.

A friendly buck let me take his picture for quite some time...I was able to make some changes after shooting 20-30 frames. He let me take off my doubler because he was too close, change apertures after needing a bit more DOF, stabilize my lens on my partners shoulder after fatiquing... I think I could even have changed a tire if I needed to. Thanks Buck!


  1. Great picture. One of your best. Isn't it fun when God's creatures cooperate with the paparazzi?

  2. I don't know how you do it but that was another awesome picture.

  3. What a beautiful rack you captured here.. Getting close enough to get this photo is just unbelievable....and the 'making more great photos. When I clicked on that does eyes I thought I might see you staring back at me...haha... Awesome!!

  4. Wow! This is stunning! I can never get this close to a buck..you certainly did have his attention...and as you said..What a rack..a very NICE capture, Hannibal!

  5. This is just a superb shot. All your photography is so sharp and clear - could you leave a comment on my blog (or here) and tell me again what kind of camera and lens you use? Thanks.

  6. Wow he deserves a good portrait as he behaved so well... And you did it, as Tina said it is stunning!!!

  7. This is a great site you have here. I have a travel blog myself which I hope to be a top resource for vacation destination information.

    I'd like to exchange links with you to help spread some traffic around between each other.

    Please let me know if this is possible.


  8. That is a nice rack. I hope you remembered to thank him when you were finished. My son always gets a laugh at that, when a deer gives us all the time in the world to photograph I always thank them out loud when we move on.

  9. WOW - now that is a rack I'd hang on my wall....ONLY in a picture though.]
    Great capture!

  10. Wow he was not only beautiful but generous!
    Just a fantastic shot Hannibal.
