Thursday, January 21, 2010

Capuchin Monkey

Another highlight to my Costa Rica trip was eating breakfast daily with the monkeys. An open air restaurant draws in the "white-faced" monkeys trying to steal anything they could get their skinny little fingers on. It was quite a sight to see their cunning behavior as they would steal bread and sugar off the tables while the staff wasn't looking. It's a great way to wake up every morning!

Capuchin Monkey, originally uploaded by Hannibals Animals.

These last 2 images were a bit of a trainwreck, but I posted them anyway. At some point during the morning shoot, the camera mode setting got switched to manual. Of course, in all of the excitement, I shot first, looked later, discovering way too late, after about 100 images, that the whole shoot was a disaster. Well I salvaged what I could, and here they are. I couldn't throw away these, as the baby on the mothers back was the only time we saw them the whole week. Also, this was the closest encounter of the week, as luck would have it...Doh!


  1. It is great to know you had a safe and productive vacation. You captured this monkeys eyes very well, I almost feel like he is looking at me.

  2. HI,
    This is a very beautiful sequence of pictures you got there. I guess that yes, it was probably a real fun to get the breakfast with these guys around... Lucky they did not take your camera as a food item ;-) The two last shots are still really nice even if the set-up was set as manual!!! I love the portraits a lot. It looks like you got a lot of fun in Costa Rica!

  3. Your first and last (not a disaster as far as I'm concerned)photos are wonderful! The first one especially. I love the background contrast to the monkey's face. Wonderful!

  4. O they are so cute! I like the one where he's licking the sugar off his fingers and the last one where mommy is smiling :) Great photos.

  5. Disaster?? All of these pictures are amazing!

  6. Cute little bigger isn't he. They have always amazed me at how well they handle themselves in the trees.

  7. How cute they are. I love the mommy with baby in tow.. The one with the 'teeth' looks like he could hurt you!! haha

  8. Lovely picyures. What trainwreck? I like the last two the best! :)

  9. Great work Hannibal, you certainly had productive trip! The macaw shots are great as well as these monkeys. I think the first shot here is my favorite; the monkey seems to have a glowing halo.
