Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bare-throated Tiger Heron

A hint of this bird at a location was given by our bird guide one morning, and wouldn't you know, he was at that spot the next morning. I took some shots while on a walk and ventured on. What I didn't know the next morning, was that he was fishing there again, but upstream quite a ways. This location wasn't revealed until I accidently flushed him, while looking for a Green Kingfisher. This juvy actually flew into a better position for this photographer. Now that never happens, but this is the proof! What an interesting pattern!

You can see the "bare-throat" if you click the photo above!


  1. Wow, great photos of a bird I never even knew existed! Wonderful, and thanks for sharing.

  2. You got great shots of this bird.He must have liked you.:)

  3. HI,
    This is a fantastic bird! Gosh and the last picture is awesome... It is so beautiful on that last one, you got it really well! The feather pattern is unique and beautiful!

  4. Fantastic Hannibal!! What great patterns. Looks snake-like!
