Monday, November 23, 2009

Closest Encounter with a Buck...Ever!

Continued from yesterdays post...

As you remember yesterday, I framed a nice deer couple and then I moved on...

What I found next was pretty cool. I passed a doe next to some barbed wire fencing, didn't see a buck with her, and drove on. As I thought about it, I figured that maybe I would back up, take some portrait shots since the lighting was great, and go from there. I then reversed slowly for a few hundred yards, and to my surprise...

Look who popped up...

He might not be the biggest, but who cares!

He was such a prettyboy, and wasn't about to leave his girlfriend, but after about 10 minutes, she was done with me interrupting their cuddle session and she bolted off, and of course, he followed.

I posted this next shot to show the fencing and the strategic positions this buck would get in to hide. He reminded me of Charlie Brown playing hide and seek.

Even though I couldn't get a clean shot, I couldn't ask for more. They bedded less than 10 yards from the road I was on, and if I didn't pass her up, I would have never seen him.

The shots seen here are minimal crops, for composition only. As a matter of fact, I had a doubler on my 300mm, and took it off mid-shoot, as he was just too close.


  1. Great post! Shots 4 & 5 are my favorites :)

  2. Amazing.It sure paid off to take a second look,and I'm glad you did.

  3. I am reminded of your post a few back "more bang for my buck". After your last two post it looks like you are getting the bang. Great photos, I am really enjoying them.

  4. I'm sure glad you backed up....what a gorgeous buck. He thinks he is hiding .. you can see it in his eye... But you nailed him good! Great shots!

  5. Wow..I never get to use the words "too close"..You lucky girl!! What a catch..he is absolutely gorgeous!! Great Post!!

  6. Beautiful shots, I love the close encounters.

  7. My goodness Hannibal, I actually got goosebumps when I saw those photos, they're amazing!!! You must've been so close.
