Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Another Beefcake

Trying my luck at early morning buckspotting produced a hefty guy with 11 points. It's been a desperate few months with not much of anything to photograph. But...Things are starting to move, and so am I!

A Bucks shadow (With crap in the way!)


  1. I just love autumn in your neck of the woods and all the amazing wildlife you spot. Each evening I show my husband your latest buck shots and neither of us have seen such big bucks around here. You could post them everyday until christmas and we woud never get bored :)

  2. What a majestic buck! I'm enjoying them as I haven't seen any here, big or small... course I haven't been up at the crack of dawn and out looking either... Haha

  3. Wow just wow!!!! This is a fantastic post with two beautiful pictures! Gosh, it is probably very impressive to see them, and even probably very pleasant to take nice shots like this! Well done, these are beautiful beast and you got them well!

  4. He's just a gorgeous buck, and great shots of him.
