Thursday, October 29, 2009

Great Hunters; Big and Small

A common sight if you are up at dawn, a pack of 4 coyotes crossed a field, but stopped for a photo op. The other 3 who were out of frame froze in their tracks to figure me out.

A sniff of the morning air...detecting my scent; the coyotes trotted off over a ridge for safety.

This male Kestral stood perch alot longer than most for a few portraits. The cable must be a favorite, as bits of prey are still stuck to the wire.


  1. Gorgeous pictures.Both of these critters are not usually very photogenic.At least they don't hang around long to get their picture taken.You must have some special touch to get these pictures.Thanks.

  2. Wow These are fantastic shots!! The two first one are splendid and I like its attitude, but the kestrel, gosh these are shots!!

  3. Nice close ones of the sparrow hawk. Blue Skies.

  4. Great photos Hannibal. I love both subjects. It's like we're right there!

  5. Beautiful shots. We can't get very close to Coyotes here - too many shoot at them. The Kestrel shots are gorgeous. Nice work.

  6. Ohhh I just love the coyote shots. I've never seen one close up and he is beautiful. I always thought they were skinny, but this character looks well fed. Your Kestrel is very nice too.

  7. Dawn!! Aren't you early bird!!
    That first picture is wonderful..I have never seen a coyote up close in the special!
    Love your captures of those kestrals..such an amazing bird..with so many colors to share!!

  8. Beautiful shots. We can't get very close to Coyotes here - too many shoot at them. The Kestrel shots are gorgeous. Nice work. Work From Home

  9. Good work Hannibal! You did an outstanding job exposing the kestrel against the sky, smashing!

  10. Super shots! The kestrel is outstanding!
