Friday, September 4, 2009

Finally...A Hummer!

In any given year, I usually have plenty of hummers. This year is the exception. Until this week, I have had none. I bought additional feeders early in the season, but it didn't help. I grew some hummingbird attractant flowers (Black and Blue Salvia), still...none. But this week must be the kick off to prepare for migration, as the activity has finally come. I have them fighting all over the place, and I couldn't be happier. This photo was taken in poor light, but I just had to get some shots. I'm sure over the long weekend, I will find some time to get some shots where the lighting is right!

And since I was out shooting hummers, my puppy Emmi had to help, so I took her photo too!

Happy Labor Day!


  1. Low light or not, that's a great hummer picture. I'm like you, saw a couple in the spring and then none all summer but think migration is underway for them since I have them fighting all over the place.

  2. It was a strange summer here for my hummers too. Saw two early on and then nothing until about a week ago and now I'm seeing two again. A male and female. Beautiful shot of your bird and your dog!!

  3. Yes I agree, despite the low light this is a beautiful shot of the hummer! Beautiful!

  4. Quite a close up of that hummmer..such nice detail..and that little mug shot of how this puppy has grown and so photogenic!! How much will she eventually weigh when full grown?

  5. Your photos for yesterday with the pelicans are just amazing. LOL at your banner -- I was out on the porch the other night at 3 a.m. beating on baby raccoons with a broom (I didn't hurt them) to get them to go away. Hummers were down here this year too at my house, but nearby had about 100 (not kidding either)

  6. I thought we were the only ones not seeing hummingbirds, it has been zero for us this year. Very nice photo.

  7. You sure nailed that hummer....beautiful shot!

  8. Your puppy looks happy - and the Hummer photo you took is terrific! They're such fun.
