Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Few More of My Favorite Waders

Here are the next to last photos saved from the Ding Darling trip. I hope everyone enjoyed the photos, and will put Ding Darling on their list to visit. You won't regret the up close and personal encounters almost guaranteed every morning!

White Ibis

Tri-colored Heron preening

Roseate Spoonbill flipping food back to swallow.

Reddish Egret portrait

Reddish Egret preening.

Tomorrow: A storm rolls in...


  1. Wow, so many beautiful shots. Congrats they are really wonderfully composed and sharp. I love the spoonbill, it is a beautiful birds. Well, these are al birds I will not see here!

  2. Ding Darling has been on my 'want to see' list for a long time,only now I want it even more.Gorgeous images.

  3. Your images are so stunning! It must be wonderful to get so close to these beautiful birds. Around here, the Great Blues fly while we're still literally a quarter mile away. I need to live next to Ding Darling!!

  4. Hannibal, Loved every shot..I am so glad you had a great time and found Sanibel to be a neat birding experience. You certainly found a lot of neat birds to capture..but I'm still stuck on those little owls..and put Coral Reef on my list of haveta dos!!

  5. These are awesome!!! They are really making me look forward to returning to Texas in December!

  6. What a trip! Your photos are all just perfect! Thanks so much for taking us along Hannibal!
