Thursday, August 6, 2009

Old Friend

This 10 pointer has plenty of years on him, and I know this because I see him every year. He still looks quite healthy, and his rack is still very impressive, but I always recognize him because of the spread. He has a very wide rack extending a considerable distance past his ears, and is very proportional on both sides which catches my eye every time. But it is his eyes that really get me, because there are a few of bucks that might match his description, but this one has very recognizable eyes and snout. He must be very smart to be this old, as I would date him being at least 9 years old, as when I first saw him 6 years ago, he was a young buck at about 3 years at the earliest, as he had a mature rack, but he could have been older. Good luck this year old fella!


  1. The buck is magnificent, but the new (well, I haven't seen it) banner just stole my heart.

  2. WOW! He is terrific looking.

  3. I whole-heartedly second that!! May he see another 9 yrs and more..How nice to see an ole friend like this..for so long!

  4. What a fabulous shot! I love the way they look in velvet... Hope he makes another year.

  5. Lovely, and I'm happy that he's still going strong !
    It was nice catching up with your blog again :-)

  6. He is magnificent! Great photo, and I hope he makes it another year.
