Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 3-Part 1: Peeps!

On Wednesday, our plan was to visit some beaches and then see the Burrowing Owls of Cape Coral. We stopped on the Causeway to Sanibel and found some great peeps!

This first image is not a peep, but he was our reason for stopping in the first place!

Snowy Egret

Sanderling: I love the lighting on this morning!

Willet: Another image I really liked as the angle with the sun really brought out beautiful colors in the water.

Semipalmated Plover: Somewhat colored like a Killdeer but much less common.

Whimbrel: A very interesting beak but a whole lot smaller than the Ibis.

Ruddy Turnstone: What beautiful markings!

Royal Tern and baby: The baby begged the whole time, and mom just put it on ignore! I love the hairdos!

Monday: Burrowing Owls!


  1. I'm back from a couple days away, and popped in to see what you've been up to. My, Hannibal, your pictures are just amazing! I loved them all - need I say more. Stunning to say the least.

  2. Gorgeous pictures.Yes,the light is perfect.

  3. Great shots and super photography!

  4. I'm just loving your new lens...I want one!! You really have quite a collection of wonderful photos of all these birds. A gorgeous shot of that turnstone..whew what colors.. I can feel the softness of those feathers on that royal tern. What a cutie baby....but obviously Mom didn't think the same way..
    Excellent post..

  5. Wow,
    You're right the light is delightful, wonderful and your shots are gorgeous! Well done, I could not choose any of them, they are all superb shots!

  6. A beautiful series, as is the one on the burrowing owls. Your trip certainly was a success.

  7. Every photo is just beautiful!
