Monday, July 20, 2009

Update on Baby Raccoons

I still haven't seen mama, but the babies have pretty much stayed where I had first found them. I'm hoping that is a good sign! Playing on the road IS NOT a good sign! I waived off a vehicle yesterday, so that the driver would see them in the roadway. The lil guys eventually went into the brush for safety.


  1. Awwww!! What a gorgeous photo! I'm glad to know they're doing ok, I just hope nothing happens to them.
    They look so soft and cuddly, such little darlings :)

  2. They looked so cute huddled together! I hope they make it! So ironic - I recently discovered 2 baby racoons swimming in a cove on our lake w/ no mama in sight.

  3. Oh my goodness..that photo is just too precious. I HATE that they are near that road..keeping my fingers crossed they stay in the bushes..and become afraid of any traffic noise.

  4. Oh, they are beautiful those little babies! I'm so happy I came across your blog, I feel we exist on the same wavelength. Hope you can help those two little ones to survive!

  5. I know, I know, it's that old circle of life thing. Too bad we humans as so damn emotional! And that's just a wonderful, glorious photo, my friend.
    Emotionally speaking....

  6. They really are cute Hannibal. Hope they make it on their own.

  7. So endearing, you're heart just melts looking at this photo.

  8. They are way cute! Oh goodness it's officially a new blog for my reader. So glad I found you.
