Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Grasshopper Sparrow

A bird of open grasslands, the Grasshopper Sparrow takes its name not only from its diet, but also from its insect-like song.

Now, if only I can get him to eat his name-sake in front of the camera...


  1. Great shot, with such a soft, muted background. Nice work!

  2. Fantastic photo and love your new header photo also.

  3. Look at that sweet face and after I read your wish I can only picture him, in my mind's eye, with a grisly ole grasshopper sticking out of his mouth. I like this pix better.. ;-)
    Love your choice for your new header..they are just too cute!!
    i hope they are still doing ok..

  4. Your photos are really wonderful. I'm so glad I found your blog.
    Sunny :)

  5. Wonderful photo as always! Just catching up a bit on your photos!

  6. Lovely shot. These are rare over here ..

  7. Great shot Hannibal. A very difficult bird to hear but once you learn it you hear it every time! Love this bird so much, not sure if there are any living in my new neck of the woods.
