Monday, July 27, 2009

A Day in Chicago

I had some out-of-state guests over the weekend, so we planned a trip to Chicago for some sight-seeing. We stopped at Navy Pier and walked the boardwalk.

We stopped at a Funhouse mirror to get a laugh. From left to right is Jack, me, Cuttidad and Monnie. Strategy played a part in putting me at the back.

A Pirate Ship leaves the harbor for a sightseeing adventure out on Lake Michigan.

Then it was off to Millenium Park to walk through Cloud Gate, otherwise referred to as the "Bean".

And a stop at the Crown Fountain for a look at the faces on the water wall.

You couldn't ask for a better day! It was great weather with great company!


  1. I'm glad you had fun Hannibal! I like the picture of the pirate ship and the fun house mirror, heehee!

  2. That looks and sounds wonderful! Glad you had a nice day.

  3. Looked like you all had a fun day!!
    Some neat photos of a great city!!

  4. These were great photos! I especially loved the one of the ship!! I'll be driving thru Chicago on my way to Wisconsin this Wednesday!
