Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Turkey Vultures

Place a Turkey Vulture in any scene, and it will darken the mood, no matter what the lighting. Take this old decrepid barn gabel for instance. I've known this barn for ages, given that I was raised in the area. I've never seen it as "creepy" until this photo.
It's not a bad thing, this way or that, but none the less, I wouldn't go in this barn on a dare. I don't know, it's just funny how we all stereotype things...such as vultures, which in this case, transferred it's creepy label onto the barn.


  1. Wonderful photos - especially the first one.

  2. Ahh the ol TV's, every now and then I look up and one goes over!

  3. Wondeful shots, especially the last one. awesome

  4. Hannibal,
    I don't know why but I do find these birds eye catching and love to watch them soar. They always seem like they are checking things out when they are the two on the roof. They look intent on staying in the hunt!
    That second shot is very nice!!
    Such a wingspan!!

  5. These are both great shots and the old building really adds a lot of interest to the first one.
