Friday, May 22, 2009


Just a few reserves to post:

The Great-crested Flycatcher is often heard before seen. It's such a beautifully marked bird. It is the only eastern flycatcher that nests in cavities, and often uses snakeskin in the nest lining.

Northern Flickers drill holes for nests. It looks as if it changed its mind on the placement of the hole and finished the one he is in. He peeked out for just a second.

The Red-headed Woodpecker is such a starkly bright colored bird. It's one of my favorites! They also drill holes, and this pair had babies they were feeding.

I found this wren to be quite funny looking. Here he looks as if he has a handlebar mustache. Quite handsome don't you think?

This junior Bullfrog was just hanging out above water when I saw him. I'm used to seeing them quite a bit larger than this, so I took the opportunity, although my vantage point was not optimal at all.


  1. Beautiful Redheaded Woodpeckers! We hardly ever see them around Louisville. Frogs always have a superior look on their faces.

  2. The flickers and the redheaded woodpecker are just amazing. Beautiful birds and you got wonderful shots of them. have a nice week end.

  3. Great pictures as always. I really like the bullfrog picture the best.

  4. These are your reserve photos?? You've been holding out on us! These are wonderful! I especially liked the one of the flicker peeking out of that tree!!!

  5. Thanks for a great selection of birds and critters.The Red-headed Woodpeckers are beautiful as usual.

  6. Hannibal,
    lol your "reserves" are always so amazing and well captured!! I should have such reserves!!
    just love this post..esp those red-header wps...first I've seen anyone post so far this spring!
    ...and babies to boot!! You lucky girl..always in the right place at the right time! ;-)

  7. Your reserves are really good shots!!!

  8. Your pair of red-heads is wonderful but my favorite is the little flicka poking out of the tree.

  9. We have some red headed wood peckers all year long in the back yard but I have never been able to catch them with my camera. Your pictures are so clear and close - I don’t know how you do it.

  10. Great variety :-) Those

  11. I love them all! I got my first Red-headed Woodpecker this morning! I'll see if the pictures are good enough to post.

  12. I just love that flicker shot! I have never seen one in their "home" setting before. I also like the red heads...sure wish the one I saw here would have stayed.
