Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Green Heron

This season's first Green Heron was a great photo op. He was a very cooperative bird, as most are not, and seemed to not be bothered in the least.

The Green Heron is one of the few tool-using birds. It commonly drops bait onto the surface of the water and grabs the small fish that are attracted. It uses a variety of baits and lures, including crusts of bread, insects, earthworms, twigs, or feathers.


  1. hannibal,
    what great tidbits about the green heron... I didn't know their luring cool. You certainly caught some great action shots of this guy...usually when I see them..they choose to stand quite still and I tire of waiting for them to move...patience, patience patience, I know!! ;-)

  2. I didn't know about their luring abilities either. These guys are a very beautiful bird but not one you want in your backyard. One found my goldfish pond a few years back and took out about 25 of them.

    I so enjoy coming here and seeing your beautiful photos and I have been taking the time for daily quick reads but I am sorry for the lack of comments. This time of year is so busy with work and gardening that the computer time is the last thing on the list. I will catch up soon and be back to commenting.

  3. Great pictures. I know they are around here but I can't seem to find them.

  4. Amazing pictures.You even got a Blackbird in the background of one.

  5. Hannibal never dissapoints!

    This is a really cool bird H, not very green though... lol

    Amazing photo's and great information. I wish I were fishing right now. :(

    Craig Glenn

  6. Great shots, I only have shots of one, they are very elusive.

  7. great shots and I particularly love the take off pictures. Gorgeous!!! great job...

  8. Thanks for sharing :-) I have yet to see one of those beauties !
