Thursday, May 14, 2009

Black Attack!

So I'm just minding my own business, parked at a wildlife area, when all of a sudden, a Red-winged Blackbird appears on the hood of my car...

Holy cow, what does he want?

He paces back and forth, inspecting my windshield...

And then gets all territorial on me, and lets out a scream!

He then hops over to my side mirror and inspects some more...

He then takes a look at himself...

and hollers some more...

He then hops to the side window and spits out some more foul language, as if I didn't get the message...

But I did get the message...This is his piece of property and he wants me out! So, after giggling at him and his intimidation tactics, I let him win and left.


  1. That is just too much Hannibal...Only you!!!

    Your word verication was "rednest"! How fitting!!

  2. Now, I've seen everything..getting the bird from a bird!!
    Quite an experience and you captured it all so well!

  3. That is too funny.A good laugh early in the morning is good for the soul Thanks.

  4. I've been scolded by many birds, but they've never come down to actually assault my car before! What a hoot!

  5. That would have been side splitting funny! I bet you were talking to him too. Do you think he is seeing his reflection and thinks it is another bird infringing upon his territory? I have an Oriole doing the same thing to my kitchen window. It is funny to watch! Thanks for sharing.. a Great Good-morning laugh.

  6. That was the bird from Hitchcock movie :-) Very very funny, but obviously you were on the wrong road.

  7. Very funny, great story and pictures, and like Eve said, only you.

  8. I can't even believe these pictures! They made my day.

  9. That is hilarious! What an amazing experience that had to be.

  10. I adore that second photo! Truly priceless!

  11. Like Eve said - only you hannibal!! My gosh - he wanted to have a few words with you!! Hilarious!!! Glad you were able to get photos and probably best that you didn't step out of the car....

    P.S. Getting ready to post my personal best photo right now. :)

  12. TSannie sent me and I love your photos! At my age, I would have gladly had a conversation with him all afternoon!

  13. What a great post!! We had a Cardinal that fought himself in our cars rearview mirrow for three days! This is just too funny! I came over from Shelley's blog. Come visit me sometime at

  14. The things animals will do to get a spot on your blog. Amazing!

  15. Talk about being territorial!
    Great story!!

  16. I love the shots with the beak wide open and you did a great job of catching the red on his wings.

  17. Nice series. Springtime birds can do some pretty interesting things.

  18. Our visit to your blog.Great shots!!Will be following:)

  19. Hilarious!! I can't wait to show this to my boyfriend, he's gonna get a kick out of it!
