Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Black Attack II -- I'm Baaaack!

Returning to the scene of the "incident", I wanted to loiter on the red-winged blackbird's territory just to capture better photos of this irritable character, since the sky was beautifully painted with big poofy clouds and plenty of light for a nice background (through a windshield). I didn't have to wait long before he buzzed my car and landed in the reeds beside me. He let out an ear-piercing rendition of his fiercest call, just to try to scare me off. When that didn't work, he predictably landed on my car and inspected my windshield, then gave another shout!

He paced back and forth on the hood...

...and stared inside...

He shouted a few more times through the windshield and then chased off another unsuspecting blackbird trespassing, so I took that opportunity to escape his wrath.

Whew, I was lucky to get out alive!


  1. This is jsut the funniest experience ever you can get. It maybe does not like the type of car you have!! This is excellent!

  2. You've got to be kidding me Hannibal!! That is one persistent Blackbird...reminds me of me!!

  3. Love it! Next time you will have to video and get him screaming at you too! hahaha

  4. Kind of a rebel there going back for a second whooping aren't you? LOL, this is just too cute!

  5. Oh this is too much!! I can't believe he came at you again!! Boy does he take his sentinel duties to heart!!
    This is too funny!! You better hope he never figures out where you live!! :)

  6. I have a lot of red winged blackbirds in my neighborhood but none this aggressive, funny photos.

  7. What an attitude he has!! Hilarious!!!

  8. I LOVE this guy! Hope you go back for more tormenting. The photos are priceless.

  9. I wonder what he's telling you ~ maybe "no visitors allowed". Those are great.
