Monday, April 13, 2009


On this day, I jumped out of my car as I spotted these Mute Swans swimming this inlet at my local State Park. Pretty cool siting...

As I was leaving the park, I see a family of about 5 fishing along the shore. What captured my attention, and to my great dismay, was seeing a teenage girl pull up what I think is a bb gun, and take shots at a duck, which happened to be a Pied-billed Grebe, but she wouldn't know that, or care, for that matter. What I did next, was grab the local number of the police and describe what I saw. They were going to send someone out, but my regret was that I didn't handle it myself. I should have done more and confronted the family, as I was not only worried for the grebe, but what would stop this family from shooting at the swans? The law was obviously a very gray area, and meant for "other" people. Teaching family values and abiding by mother nature doesn't apply either. I was completely outraged at such a sight, and couldn't stop thinking about what the mother and father were teaching their children. I hope they were fined, but I will never know. Next time, and I hope there isn't one, I, personally, have something to say...


  1. First let me say,that is about as perfect a picture as one could ever wish for.About hte other family,what can I say,the parents need a sreious talking to.I would hope that they had to pay for such ignorance.You would have been perfectly right to talk to them.

  2. You know I think you probably did the right thing...I would not have recommended you trying to talk to 5 people.. alone. If they allow their child to shot at ducks... who knows what could have happened. Good call. Beautiful picture...'sad story'

  3. This would have made me very angry also.. do hope the police were successful in talking with this family..sure hope she was a poor shot!

  4. Gorgeous photo! I'm so sorry to hear about that girl taking a shot - it says a lot about her parents. Probably better you didn't confront them (my hubby tells me I can only open my big mouth when HE'S there - loL!)

  5. What a beautiful picture, what an ugly story. You did the right thing by calling the professionals. Unfortunately, I've run into parents with seriously defective children who go nuclear when you even hint that their precious child might be doing something wrong. Sorry you had to experience that...

  6. Given years of experience dealing with misbehaving children, unfortunately the last two comments hit the nail right on the head. I would be also shocked if the police showed up. Given the problems the police deal with, to them, this is probably petty ante stuffl. Yuk.
