Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend Roundup

Playing outside with my new Boxer puppy Emmi, some shadows flew over the yard, so looking up, I see American White Pelicans circling just above my treetops. I couldn't believe they were so low. I ran into the house to grab the camera and caught these images. A cooling lake is less than a mile down the road which attracts 100's of them every migration.

And one of the many reasons that are keeping me from blogging is this little girl. I got a new puppy on Wednesday, just a month after losing my first baby Maggie after 12 and a half years. The house felt so empty without Mag, that filling that void was inevitable. Alas, I found the perfect puppy! Meet Emmi!

And this was my old girl Maggie, who was an amazing girl in every way, every single day of her short life.


  1. Those pelican photos were awesome - looked like they were putting on an air show for you! And Emi is adorable! Her paws are quite big! I would be spending a lot of time w/ a pup too!

  2. The pelican photos are amazing but Emmi is a cutie patootie! I see she has her share of toys already as well :-)

    RIP Maggie.

  3. The Pelican shots are great,and that puppy of your is adorable.

  4. Wow! You got those pelican shots so that it really feels like I'm looking up at them!!! Kinda made me a little dizzy... and the pup is just adorable. Lots of fun and work ahead for you!It's so hard to lose an old friend..

  5. Gosh those puppy eyes kinda tore me away from the pelican shots even tho I would love to see those beautiful creatures flying over my house!!..but I'm a sucka for a dog and yours is adorable..but do I see a little gleam of the devil in those eyes?? ;-0

  6. Oh you've got me cryin first thing in the morning!!!
    Hi Emmi! She is so sweet.

    I love the pelicans...I don't know if I've ever seen American Whites before. What luck!

  7. Dogs are family, our oldest Cinny, is 14 years old and when she goes it will be a tough day around here.

  8. Very nice tribute Maggie. It's so hard to loose a treasured pet. The new pup looks eager to please and ready for adventure. I am sure she will be an asset in photographing your critters.... or maybe you should leave her at home, lol.

    Craig Glenn
