Friday, March 6, 2009

The Pursuit of Spring

Yesterday held mostly sunny, 60 degree temperatures with some strong winds, but that couldn't stop me from looking for the newest signs of Spring. It was so odd, taking off my winter coat as I arrived at the park. It felt really good, but as soon as I hit the path, the soggy earth had me slipping immediately and keeping my eyes to the sky for birds wasn't going to happen. I spent the entire trek looking for the best footing along the trail. I depended on my hearing and came up with these two.

I thought I might spot some early warblers but the strong winds might have hindered that a bit.

Don't forget the Caption Contest! Enter by Monday for your chance to win! See "Deer Tracks" for more info.


  1. Hi Hannibal,
    Well it was still worth going out, you got two marvellous pictures and the Tree creeper is not that easy to get...
    Congrats, and be patient, eventually spring will come :-)

  2. You captured 2 little treasures today!!

  3. Wow, the elusive brown creeper. They are so hard to see and when I do they move so fast I can never get a photo. You have captured him perfectly as well as that gorgeous bluebird. The colors of a bluebird just say spring to me...lovely post!

  4. Those two are worth the effort of the walk.Gorgeous!

  5. Love your bluebird there in the sun and the brown creeper is so cute. I see one once in awhile, but they are really hard to spot!
    good eye!

  6. Your killing me Hannibal! I'm sitting here at work for 16 hrs and your chasing birds in the warm spring air. I'm so jealous! Great Shots grrrrrr. Its suppose to rain on my day off! See ya on the backroads!

  7. You just make my day Hannibal!!
